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Healthcare Reform Updates & Changes

As we work our way through the new world of Healthcare reform, or as some of you call it “Obamacare”, there are bound to be updates, changes and improvements to the system. I’ve been taking notes in my various meetings and from all the email blasts from the various carriers. Here are some of the highlights I want to share with you. (Remember these are rough notes and of course everything is subject to change)…

  • This one I am sure about, as it was signed into law by Governor Brown August 14th. Senate Bill (SB) 1034 makes changes to new employee waiting periods for group plans which is now puts California in line with federal law. Federal law permits the employer to utilize a new-hire waiting period of up to 90 days. This change goes into effect January 1st 2015 but some carriers are allowing the change early in their third quarter renewals. Be sure to ask your agent if this is a possibility if you like the 90-day waiting period.


  • Some updates on the Individual plan horizon include what we are hearing is VERY small rate increases if any which is great – and the two Blues (Blue Shield and Blue Cross) have added a lot of Physicians and Hospitals to their networks since the beginning of the year. (Anthem still does not have Scripps doctors, let’s keep our fingers crossed that changes in the near future). Another change that we are hearing is the out of pocket max on the Bronze, Silver and Gold plans should be going down by $1000 to $6250 and the Generic drug co pays will go from $19 to $15. They have also made enhancements to the coverage limits on the pediatric dental plans. You can find more information about the pediatric dental here.


  • As far as updates about Covered California, there are several notices coming in the mail soon, one about going on line and creating an account so you can access your information and make any changes that come up to your personal information or income. I think having access is a great idea but I’d still like to be in the loop if you are making changes so I can assist. ;o)


Open enrollment starts November 15th! If you want to change your plan for January 1st, we have to act fast and have that done prior to December 15th in order to have a January 1st effective date. If we have not talked and you want to possibly change carriers due to network situations, etc, please reach out to me now so I can add you to my list. They will also be sending information regarding renewals. If you do nothing you will just automatically renew in the same plan which is nice. New ID cards will be sent out to you automatically.


Thank you for all your patience this first year of such a big change in the industry. I’m optimistic that things will continue to get better and changes that need to be made will be. Please reach out to me if you have any questions.

To your health!


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