Supplemental Health Insurance for San Diego Seniors
Protect Your Savings. Optimize Your Health.
If ever the federal government ever aimed to confuse us, they’ve done a great job with Medicare benefits. Parts A through B (Original Medicare) seem straightforward enough, but then you need to choose a prescription drug plan. And what about all of those out of pocket expenses like deductibles and co pays and 20% co insurance?
Supplemental Medicare (Medigap) insurance helps ensure you get both the medical and out-of-pocket services you need without threatening your assets or fixed income. In fact, Medicare encourages seniors (particularly those with specific health issues) to consider supplemental Medicare insurance. Medicare and private insurance carriers work together to provide a complete basket of services.
Once the private carriers start working with government agents, however, staying on top of the jigsaw puzzle of senior medical care costs and benefits exasperates the most patient senior. Possibilities like Medicare Savings Accounts, Medicare Cost Plans and All Inclusive Plans for the Elderly muddy the waters even more.
Let Bishop Insurance Services Clarify Your Choices . . . at No Cost to You!
You can enroll in Medicare through the government’s public portal, but it’s far less stressful and far more beneficial to discuss your options with someone who’s been working in insurance for over two decades.
When you come talk to us at Bishop Insurance Services, you never pay us a penny directly OR pay one more penny than you would have for the supplemental insurance products you choose. As brokers, our services are paid for by the scores of insurance companies we represent. They know we provided valued advice and insight to potential clients who benefit from their products.
Holly has helped a range of San Diego seniors all the way from those suffering from debilitating chronic disease and dementia to the ones determined to see 90 from the back of a mountain bike or surf board. She knows which plans or patchwork of plans best cover those needing extensive medical care AND those self-sufficient few claiming they “haven’t seen a doctor in 20 years and don’t plan to now!” (Even THESE folks need health insurance.)
Medicare supplemental insurance (Medigap) can:
- control medical costs
- maintain cash flow by eliminating surprises
- extend products and services you can receive
- prevent loss of significant assets dues to medical bills
When we first sit down with you, we listen to your needs, lifestyle, budget and goals in retirement. This information helps us find the best plan or plans to help you meet those needs. There is an array of options:
- Sign up for Medicare parts A and B & purchase a supplement and part D for prescription drugs from private carriers
- Sign up for Medicare Advantage Part C plan through a private insurer that includes prescription drug coverage (must also have Medicare parts A & B)
- Retain a portion of your private insurance
. . . or any other of a number of combinations!
Once you’ve settled on a mix of public and private insurance carrier options, we’ll step you through the sign up process. You can come to us or we would be happy to come to you. Call for an appointment today 760-444-0200.
Medicare Basics to Get You Started
While this information is available on several websites including the federal government’s Medicare website itself, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Just which programs pertain to you? Which are the important facts and which negligible? We’ve teased out the critical information you need to get started.
1. You can enroll in Medicare at in three instances:
- once you reach 65 years,
- if you develop certain disabilities, or
- have permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a transplant.
2. The four primary programs Medicare offers are:
- Medicare Part A: Hospitalization: if you paid into social security for at least 10 years, you pay no premiums for any hospitalization.
- Medicare Part B: Doctor visits, outpatient treatment, physical therapy and some preventive procedures like diabetes testing, glaucoma screening, and colon and prostate cancer screening are covered completely. Part B can include a low monthly premium minimum of $105 for 2013 (based on income, could be higher)
- Medicare Part C: Medicare Advantage: This plan takes the place of Medicare A & B. American seniors must choose either Medicare Parts A & B OR Medicare Part C. Offered through private insurance carriers, Medicare Advantage can offer far more than Parts A and B alone, and even include prescription drug coverage.
- Medicare Part D covers drugs prescribed by your primary care provider and other doctors in your network.
3. Medicare Enrollment periods are limited.
To streamline operations, the federal government limits Medicare enrollment and change periods.
- Initial Enrollment Period (IEP) – based on your birthday.
This period known as the “IEP” extends: 3 months before your birthday month, your birthday month and 3 months after your birthday month for a total of 7 months. If your birthday is any date in June, you can sign up as early as March 1, all of June, July, August and as late as September 30. A full 7 months. It’s during this period that you sign up for “Original Medicare” or Medicare Parts A & B. - Annual Enrollment/Election Period (AEP): October 15 – December 7
During these seven weeks, known as the “AEP”, those who need to change prescription drug plans, change Medicare Advantage plans, return to Original Medicare or enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan for the first time, can do so. Changes do not take effect, however, until January 1 of the following year. - Special Enrollment Period (SEP) – Flexible
Because serious medical issues do not follow a government time table, Medicare allows for benefits to begin in the following “special enrollment period” if you:- were enrolled in a plan and moved out of the service area
- entered a nursing home
- are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid
- have low income
- dis enroll from employer group health plan
- lost prescription drug coverage
Personally Tailored Senior Medicare & Medicare Supplement Programs
Buying supplemental Medicare insurance can make life easier, control costs, keep surprise costs at a minimum.
Have a quick question? Never hesitate to call us. As the San Diego insurance agent with ALL the options, private and public, we’re happy to share our two decades of experience with you, according to your needs. Feel free to call us anytime at 760-444-0200 or contact us via email.