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Blue Shield & the UC Health System


Effective July 1, 2015 Blue Shield of California has reached an agreement with the University of California Health Systems. This agreement is a 3 year contract.

This agreement involves plans both through Covered California, as well as through Blue Shield Direct. However, some of the contributors are only taking PPO network plans.

Below is a full list of the medical centers and groups that are part of the UC System, as well as which types of plans they will serve.

  UC Davis Med Group   HMO and PPO
  UC Davis Med Ctr   HMO and PPO
  UCLA Med Group   HMO and PPO
  UCLA Med Ctr   HMO and PPO
  UC Irvine Med Ctr   HMO and PPO
  UCI Med Group   PPO only
  UCSD Med Ctr   HMO and PPO
  UCSD Med Group   PPO only
  UCSF Med Ctr   HMO and PPO
  UCSF Med Group   PPO only

This is an excellent addition to Blue Shield’s already strong network in Southern California.

To confirm individual physicians and specialists you can access Blue Shield’s provider finder tool  at

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